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Add your tasks to the activities table.
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Add your projects, programmes, portfolios and operational/business as usual (BAU) activities a workstreams.
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Checkout our example organisation charts. Compare them to your corporate structure and investigate any differences.
List your brands.
List the services you, your group (department, team, etc.) and organisation offer. Full service management features are coming soon.
Identify things which have gone wrong as issues.
Identify things which could go wrong as risks.
Identify things which you are not certain about, and need to check as assumptions.
Identify activities which rely on other activities as dependencies.


Most organisations would state that the provision of quality products and services to their customers, is a key strategic objective. To achieve this, quality controls must be part of the production pipeline from design, through build and testing.

Quality Management

There is Project Management Institute (PMI) knowledge area for Quality Management.


Testing should be done in each of the environments:

Stages of testing

Unit test The person who has done the work, checks their own work
Peer reviewA peer of the person who has done the work, checks the work
System testThe work is put into a simulated or actual environment, and tested
Integration testThe work is put into a simulated or actual environment, and tested in related to external influences
User acceptance test (UAT)A test done by the end user
Live testLive tests are done in the live environment, and should be done in such a manner that they do not damage the object
Regression testTest that the change to the object has not broken the object or system / related objects
Smoke testA quick test to ensure the object is working, at least a little and is not broken
Black box testA test done without knowledge from the object's specification
White box testA test done with knowledge from the object's specification

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